ZIS - About us

About ZIS

Zenith Information Systems Pty Ltd was incorporated July 1, 2000 in Sydney, Australia.

Director and founder, James Fordham has over 30 years experience working in I.T. Specifically, software development and online Learning solutions.

ZIS is based out of Sydney's inner west region. We service clients all over Australia, and also in NZ. Click on the Our Clients link to see who we've worked with recently.

The inorgoral project and launch of ZIS was working with the NSW Dept. Education to develop online content and management around learning English as a language.

Back in 2000, there was very little around by way of Content Authoring tools and Learning Management Systems. In particular, there was very little available to cater for an RTO organisation who wanted to pioneer the way migrants learned.

To this end, ZIS developed both an Authoring tool and Learning Management System for this project. Over the following years, more than 10,000 migrants were put through this exciting and new era of learning.

In 2008, ZIS partnered with Corporate Culcha to again, to pioneer Indigenous Cultural Awareness. Today, this partnership survives, and we are now offering a version 5x of the program which has been used by over 250,000 employees throughout Australia.

In 2018 ZIS partnered with HealthXN to develop the next generation LMS and Community of Practice engine. This solution is the evolution of what we started back in 2000 with the Dept Education.

Click on the Partners link above to learn more about Corporate Culcha, Kontent Labs and our exciting products.