ZIS Privacy
ZIS - About us
Reporting Privacy Issues
If you encounter any issue around Privacy on this website, in its entirety, please contact ZIS by email or post to:
395 Great North Road, Abbotsford NSW 2046
ZIS Privacy
This https://zis.com.au
website, and ALL pages contained within does NOT store or request any information about you or your business.
We have also disabled the contact us form, so request that Clients email us on getintouch@zis.com.au to get in touch.
We do not utilise browser cookies or any other method to tracking and/or recording visitor information.
ZIS Products
The LMS and Community of Practice products do store user information, as this is a member based platform.
Both products require for Authentication (user creation):
- Name
- Password (which is enctypted by the platform)
These products do NOT ask for, or request Contact Numbers, Bank or Credit Card Information or addresses.
Please Note: Clients MAY request additional information to be captured during registration on their custom platform. In this event, the Client is responsible for advising clients of what data is being captured. Zenith Information System Pty and Kontent Labs Pty Ltd never shares stored data with any other software platform. Furthermore, we do not use the information for any reason outside of providing said support to the Client and its members.